Autor: Cláudia Augelli

Fortune’s Formula

Sinopse In 1956 two Bell Labs scientists discovered the scientific formula for getting rich. One was mathematician Claude Shannon, neurotic father of our digital age, whose genius is ranked with Einstein’s. The other was John L. Kelly Jr., a Texas-born, gun-toting physicist. Together they applied the science of information theory–the basis of computers and the Internet–to the problem of making as much money as possible, as fast as possible. Shannon and MIT mathematician Edward O. Thorp took the “Kelly formula” to Las Vegas. It worked. They realized that there was even more money to be made in the stock...

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The Battle for Investment Survival

Sinopse A reader of one of my earlier discussions asked-“Have you ever tried out the ideas outlined in your book?” My reply was to the effect that the ideas were tried out first, and the book written afterward. Any earner who earns more than he can spend is automatically an investor. It doesn’t matter in the slightest whether he wants to be or not, or even whether he realizes that he is investing. Storing present purchasing power for use in the future is investing, no matter in what form it’s put away. Some popular and common forms include money...

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O Gorila Invisível

Sinopse “Você confia nas suas lembranças? Tem certeza de que tudo guardado na memória está correto? Alguma vez já se pegou surpreso ao ouvir alguém relatando de forma diferente um fato presenciado por você?” Questionamentos como esses fazem parte do cotidiano dos pesquisadores norte-americanos Christopher Chabris e Daniel Simons. Em O gorila invisível – e outros equívocos da intuição, a dupla esmiúça seis ilusões do dia a dia que influenciam profundamente a vida das pessoas: ilusões de atenção, memória, confiança, saber, causa e potencial. Para Chabris e Simons, as crenças distorcidas que temos sobre a mente não são apenas...

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Cláudia Augelli

Estrategista de Investimentos, Estrategista de Negócios, Empreendedora Serial.

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